Empowering clients to make permanent, positive changes in their personal and professional lives is what I do. Shaping personal growth is a real passion of mine and it’s a privilege to witness the valuable impact this can have on all aspects of life and business.

I’m Diane,

Certified Life & Business Coach, Chartered Accountant and Certified Pilates Instructor. Combining my 15 years' experience working globally in senior financial leadership roles with my passion and skill for personal development, I empower individuals and businesses to realise their full potential.


I’m a qualified Chartered Accountant, with over 15 years’ experience in senior financial leadership roles. I’ve worked all over the world and loved my corporate career, but I always found myself seeking something extra professionally, beyond the numbers and management responsibilities, with a particular desire to help others. 

I sought out ways I could make a difference, developing courses for non-finance professionals, mentoring colleagues and seizing opportunities to grow my skillset by joining continuous improvement projects. 

Like so many others out there, I’ve battled with mental health issues, ultimately resolving my anxiety and depression through coaching. Realising I had the power within me to change my thoughts, my emotions and my actions was instrumental in strengthening my mental health. 

In turn, that process and awakening made me even more determined to help others, so I left my corporate job and trained as a coach. Now I get to combine my corporate and business experience with my passion for helping others grow. My focus is on working with individuals, and businesses of all shapes and sizes, listening to their hopes, fears, desires and ambitions and creating bespoke coaching and advisory sessions to help them get to where they really want to be. 

As a working mum and business owner, I also have first-hand experience of the challenges faced by female entrepreneurs, so coaching and advisory sessions for women are a particular speciality of mine. 

“I initially required coaching for my confidence, as a business woman, in dealing with clients and staff, and composing myself in a better way to efficiently grow my business. As business grew I found it more challenging to be assertive and manage the growing number of staff and clients, as well as being a Mum of 4. Later on, I required some one on one coaching with Diane to help me make big decisions relating to my business, not for Diane to tell me what to do, but to help me pull together my thoughts and ideas to enable me to make an informed decision.”

Life and Business Coaching Client

A little more about me

Autumn is my favourite season and I love to spend time in nature with my family. We live in beautiful Orkney, with an abundance of beaches and countryside to enjoy. We love to travel and explore new places, cultures, and cuisine. Reading is my absolute favourite. When I get time to myself, you’ll find me curled up with a book (the real thing, no e-books or audio books allowed!) and a cuppa. While it feels impossible to pick a favourite book, if I had to choose it would be Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. You’ll also find me in my home studio practicing Pilates. I love to improve my own practice when I’m not teaching and relish the mind body connection that it brings.


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